

What are you waiting for?
Are you waiting for the lightning to strike,
Are you waiting for the clock to tick,
Are you waiting for something to like,
Are you waiting for dream to stick,

We only get to live once in a lifetime,
Making excuses for not moving forward,
Pretending that constant obstacles mask the excuses not to succeed,
Life’s a rollercoaster with its ups and downs as well as satisfying peaks,

Acknowledgment is the key to all the doors of potential success,
Fighting fear head on instead of turning your back on it,
Searching the answers to the problems will reflect true resolve,
Accepting mistakes as lessons instead of punishment for imperfection,

What are you waiting for?
What is it that holds you back?
What will the answers be to the questions?
What will the fruit look like once ripened enough to eat?

Constantly and consistently we ask these questions,
Forcefully we must fight to seek our own paths,
Insignificant is the dream without a map to the destination,
Fate will answer the call if the patience awards the hope,

It’s all within the human nature to want the impossible,
It shall always be the pursuit of happiness each of us face,
The hunger to satisfy a purpose yet unseen,
The thirst to quench a future we have not yet predicted,

What are you waiting for?

© Mike Perkins