

Alone but not alone
I m alone but i m not alone.
I feel sad that i dont have one to ask
weather i ate or not ,
I feel sad because I dont have
someone to ask me howz my day
what I did all day??
Is everything ok with me ??
or if I need something ??
but I m happy at the same time that
I dont have a fake person for all this true feelings,
I dont have any fake solutions for all my genuine problems.
Its ok to face your problems all alone rather than with fake hopes
Isn't it??
I feel sad on being judged on sins i never commited,
On being mocked at something that i never wanted to be mocked at .
I fell like crying on trusting one who never understood my value.
I feel like shouting at myself on being tortured everyday for something
I dont want to be tortured for
but it all happened with me,why??
BECAUSE I allowed it ..isn't it???
Time is now here to overcome all this,
to be the new me!!
happy me ,smiling me!!
becoz i m alone but i m not alone!!