

"The Symphony of Nature"
The heavens are making lines in the sky,
Followed by roaring sounds,
So loud, could be heard and seen wondrously high,
With bits of colossal shaking pounds.

Flashes of light, like a celestial dance,
Illuminating the darkness, a magical trance.
Thunderous echoes, nature's symphony,
A spectacle of power, majestic and free.

Raindrops fall, a gentle percussion,
Nature's rhythm, in perfect discussion.
The storm brews, a force to behold,
In its chaos, a story untold.

The clouds part, revealing a canvas so vast,
Painted by nature, a moment that won't last.
The storm passes, leaving behind its mark,
A reminder of nature's light and dark.

Winds whisper secrets in the aftermath,
Leaves rustle, telling tales of nature's path.
Birds chirp, welcoming the calming breeze,
A symphony of peace, nature's expertise.

Sunlight breaks through, a warm embrace,
Chasing away the storm's fierce face.
Rainbows stretch across the sky,
A promise of hope, soaring high.
© inspirelink