

are we there yet?
Point A to Point B
In a span of seconds!
Point A to Point B
To the stars, we go!

Are we there yet? I'm getting tired.
We're walking for hours unbothered
Should we continue any further?
In this unwavering, unending ride.

What is there at the end?
Is it really worth all the fuss?
Where do this all extend?
In you, I gave my full trust.

Are we there yet? I'm impatient.
We're stuck in a loop, never ending.
Should we continue any further?
I guess we need to stop pretending.

How do we know it's the end?
How do we know there's an end?
To this long forward march of death.
There's no hope, until the last breath.

How do we struggle for a cause?
The system is free from flaws.
We are powerless NPCs in here.
Resistance is futile, hope ends here.

Are we there yet? No one knows.
Do we really travel? No one goes.
Are we really from point A to point B?
Or just heartless, worthless machineries.

Are we there yet as a people?
Are we there yet as one race?
If we only unite as one people
We'll realize life was never a race.

Point A to Point B
In a span of seconds!
Point A to Point B
A pointless revolution!

© poufpoetry