

The Fight isn't ours
There is something that has been bothering me but I've been finding it difficult to say. Now what I'm about to say might offend some and when I say some, I actually mean alot but it might cause others to actually think.
Here's my question: why do we fight ourselves and say we are fighting for God? Why are we so quick to attack our fellow humans with scriptures and judgements without a blink?
Have we forgotten the golden rule that was given to us . Have we?
We were asked to love each other.. love each other the same way God loves us. Now I understand that some of us might get messages from our God that we are meant to deliver to someone as a sign of warning because of the words they said, the actions they performed or their way of life but why do we turn it into judgements and automatic condemnation?.
If God has given you a warning to someone, give it to that person in private and then pray that he or she receives and changes instead of coming to the open world and condemning the person to hell. Ok quick question.. what if on that glorious last day, as your own life is played before you and you assume that you will definitely be let into heaven, you are stopped by an angel and told that you will be thrown down to hell. Your offense? You were asked to deliver a message but instead you went and delivered a judgement and condemnation. Something that even God himself hasn't said anything about it.

For some time now.. I've been seeing people openly disrespect and make a mockery of Christianity, God, the Holy spirit you name it. I've seen christians give their opinion on this and I have also seen christians give their judgement and condemnations on these people.. some even going as far as to say that those people will burn in hell.. like I'm sorry but what has happened? What happened to us? Do u think if God judged and condemned like that we'd be here.. do u?
© Dora24