

To Fully Understand Life
Someone once said, that to fully understand life
We must first visit the hospitals, prison, and the cemetery.
At the hospital, we will learn that:

Health is fragile, fleeting, and dear,
A gift to cherish and revere.
And in quiet rooms where hope resides,
With doctors' skill as care abides,
We'll see how precious moments are,
Each one a flickering, fragile star.

At the prison, we will learn that:

Choices made and paths we tread,
Can lead to places filled with dread.
Behind the bars, we'll glimpse regret,
And dreams that time won't soon forget.
But also strength, and hope's faint glow,
In hearts that yearn to break sorrow's flow.

At the cemetery, we will learn that:

Life's final chapter softly ends,
In fields where silence now descends.
We honor those who’ve gone before,
In whispered prayers and tales of yore.
Each stone a testament to grace,
Of lives once lived, each time and place.

Through hospitals, prisons, and graves, we find,
The woven threads of humankind.
In suffering, redemption, and in rest,
We learn that life, though brief, is blessed.

Thus, to understand life’s ebb and flow,
We must embrace both joy and woe,
For in these places, lessons lie,
Of how to live, and how to die!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo