

Reflectional image of who I am
There is a mirror in my room.
And above it there's a light,
I keep it on the whole day.
I don't know why!
But i just have a habit too.
It's 3 in the morning,
and i have been trying to sleep for hours but
I can't.
Now i give up on my sleep finally.
I find myself in front of that mirror
Its old
Older than me maybe
Its beautiful though
Then I lift my sleepy eyes
I see my beautiful self
A reflection of the real me
My reflection
It feels like it's not me
I have changed so much in this small period of time.
My loose black hair hang loosed on my shoulder blade.
They are between wavy and straight.
My eyes are so small but fierce
I stare at my reflection
My little curves, thighs and waist are more noticeable than ever before.
Then there is my jawline
It is a little curvy at the end of my oval face.
And my lips they are not small anymore
Fuller and red
Then i notice a crack running straight over the mirror, right where my heart lies in the reflection
And then so many thoughts come into my head at  once. The mirror is broken as 
I am
It is beautiful
So Am I
The mirror may be broken but still shows your reflection, the mirror doesn't judge so don't let the judgement of people get to you.
your reflection and theirs aren't the same

© Zamsi
#judgement #reflections