

Stop the violence
Stop the violence, the land is bleeding
its very frightening, all the rioting for our rights to move freely, but pure silence for the bloodshedding. Rain ain't falling, but blood is raining like a mothers tears, weeping for her lifeline for the rest of her lifetime.

Stop the violence, my heart is screaming
more while I feel like I'm dreaming
Pure weeping but no one is intervening
mothers grieving, wishing to hear they babies breathing

Stop the violence, why so much hate
I'm frustrated, killers a fabricate who else they can assassinate because they think they're big bad and brave, when they just lame and light weight.

Stop the violence, stop fight for the right to party and start fight for the right to live. We drink and feel nice, while another a fight to live. As day light, a pure gunfight, people a run and hide next thing I know a candlelight.

Stop the violence, why these parasite stealing our human rights. Is it a competition, are they on a mission, to see who can send the most body to the mortician. The politicians not using their position to eliminate this affliction. Which doctor can write a prescription for this crime addiction, the nation need a physician. Rise up Christians, we need the lord's intervention.

© Theresa♥️♥️♥️fromthe♥️♥️♥️

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