

A Unconditioned Love
I knew who he was; who he really was in his soul; and I accepted it. Even though our lives had taken us down much different paths, and to different places from one another, the connection we shared between each other's souls was an undeniable bond. So magnetifying, so intense, that, in a way was a little bit scary. To unconditionally love another so much, to the depths of their soul, to accept ones being for who they deeply and truly are. To look past all their flaws, their past, the good and the bad. Everything they may or may not have to offer. The willingness to stand beside them, whether they be right or wrong. To have full acceptance of all their imperfect ways; but loved them unconditionally anyways. That's a feeling more powerful then anyone one could ever imagine, a feeling that we all desperately long for....
© M.Rose