

He is my neighbour
For me it's a stranger
He looks at me every time
and I feel he says " You are mine "

He flys a kite
and I walk Everytime
Sometimes he looks miserable
But I can't avoid it

For me I make attitude
He is in soltitude
His happiness, sadness confess his expression in dark

Which I can't explain
I am running away too far
Rural lands
The Millet fields
The sunshine kissed me well

The cows are moving by
But I can't see somebody here
I don't know they are where ?
Crying aloud

Moving clouds
My voice is getting echo
He has come to see me again
I can feel the urge of him

But I never loved him
I never loved somebody who is so close to mine
But every time he crosses the line

(We are not anymore) 2
We are not made for eachother
Because it isn't your fault
But our destiny

Go to far lands
cause this is the last time
to meet me .

© Typing....