

A Letter to Gaia
Melted moss rest upon your head, posing as your crown
I run my fingers through your dewy strands before getting up and dipping my toes in the watery realm
The scent of lilies lingers in the sun singed air

The sun’s rays scatter around us, waving its last goodbye for the day, awaiting Helios to rise from the pillow of winds above us
Night falls upon us, I look up at the moon
She carries timeless memories as you do too

Lullabies dance around us in past and present languages,
We dance with them.
The winds spin us around, echoing an enchanting tune of ages

Fog furls around us filling the sky with your tears,
Tears of joy for what you are,
Tears of sadness for the chaos we have created in you.

Your heart rests beneath my feet, within the roots of your shadows
I can feel the pain you endure thrive within me as the rain buries the lawn’s subterranean flesh.
Many have walked here before me but never before you.

We take a moment together for your losses to sink in
You grieve over your beauty, clinging onto your spirit.
If not us, the butterflies will farm your seeds,
The bees will feed on your riches,
Ladybugs will continue to serve and protect you.

© zeinaelnady

