

Why does it have to be me?
Why lay all the blame on me?
The pain is too much,
Too much for me to bear at this point,
For my endurance has faded,
Just like these flowers have,
Leaving behind a lifeless tree,
One void of life ,
One at the end knot of fall.

I am a crap being you said,
I am a total loser you added,
I am a homewrecker you gossiped,
I am a heartless animal you suggested,
I am quite a lier you told,
I am a walking corpse you detested,
I am a pack of vices you whispered,
All to have my head lowered to the ground,
Does it have to be this way,brother?

A friend in need is a true friend they say,
But what friendship is this?
Why prick me on the back?
They say I caused your downfall,
But do you believe what they say?
Have I ever told a lie to you?
Was the prove of our friendship futile?
Open your eyes brother,
Lest this dense fog darken your path.

Hold onto my hand brother,
For the journey is too long and tiresome,
Only we cannot go on our own,
The whole lot of people are in it,
Çlinging onto this last thread,
Brother,you are invited,
For in unity is the strength.

© Grassland