

Freezing Freedom
Oh, the call of the weekend, the wanderlust takes flight,
My heart filled with longing, as I seek the unknown in sight.
Through bustling city streets or nature's serene embrace,
Weekend wanderlust, my soul's everlasting grace.
I chase the sunset's hues, painting the sky with desire,
On a journey of exploration, setting my spirit afire.
Adventures await, in every corner and hidden trail,
My weekend wanderlust, never does it fail.
A bustling market, bursting with flavors and delights,
Or a tranquil beach, where time takes its own flights.
From towering mountains to valleys lush and green,
Weekend wanderlust, a world full of unseen.
Each step I take is a dance, a rhythm all its own,
In this symphony of life, I'm never alone.
Discovering the beauty in every stranger's smile,
Weekend wanderlust, making each moment worthwhile.
I revel in the vibrant cities, pulsating with energy,
Lost in art galleries and music's sweet synergy.
Or perhaps a quaint village, where time just stands still,
Weekend wanderlust, my heart forever will.
From sunrise to sunset, each hour a new chapter unfolds,
In this endless tapestry, my wanderlust never grows old.
For the weekend is but a fleeting embrace, too soon gone,
But the memories created, forever will live on.
Weekend wanderlust, oh how it sets my heart free,
A nomad at heart, forever seeking what could be.
So I'll let the wind guide me, wherever it may blow,
For in the depths of exploration, my soul continues to grow.