

The Tapestry of Life
In threads unseen, the loom does weave,
A tapestry of life, in which we believe.
Each moment a stitch, each breath a line,
In the fabric of time, both yours and mine.Colors of joy, bright and bold,
Intertwined with shades of stories untold.
Sorrows in shadows, softly they blend,
In the dance of the needle, they twist and bend.The laughter that echoes in the heart's deep well,
And the silent tears that no one can tell,
All are sewn in patterns, intricate and true,
In the endless mosaic that life will pursue.With hands unseen, fate guides the thread,
Through the light of dawn and the night’s dread.
Yet in the flaws, the loose ends, we find,
The beauty of life, perfectly unrefined.For life’s not a picture, framed and still,
But a tapestry flowing with the artist's will.
It changes, it grows, with each passing day,
A masterpiece in motion, never to fray.So cherish the weave, both rough and smooth,
Embrace the journey, in its complex groove.
For life is the tapestry that we create,
An ever-unfolding story, shaped by fate.
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