

Uncharted Heartscape
In solitude 'midst wheelchair's grasp I dwell,
Contemplating life's intricate spell,
Embracing a path, though twisted and gray,
A yearning persists, it never shall sway.

From tender years, my legs found no flight,
Chained to this seat, in perpetual sight,
Challenges endured, strength overflows,
A missing fragment, love's depth never shows.

As twilight descends, love's tender grace fades,
My heart uncertain, as darkness cascades,
No friend's warm touch, no romance to trace,
A life devoid of passion's embrace.

Doth destiny decree, or choices decide,
Love's tender touch forever denied?
A fragment of wonder, what might have been,
Unveiling life's struggles, it does seem.

Reflecting on sorrows, heartache's cold throne,
Alone in its weight, I've oftentimes known,
This void may conceal a hidden relief,
Guarding my spirit from love's bittersweet grief.

Yet yearning persists, connection I yearn,
A soulmate's touch, joy's language discern,
An unfilled abyss, a void to explore,
A man, a seeker, love's essence implore.

Time marches forth, relentless, secure,
Will love's sweet arch forever endure?
Incomplete days, as life's river flows,
Unanswered queries where destiny goes.

Thus my heart wanders, seeking solace anew,
Embracing life's journey in all that I do,
In richness I find, myriad ways to unfold,
Though incomplete, life's beauty takes hold.

© 2023 Garry Prudencio Fabros