

Do not conceal your emotions,
In the lid of your eyes,
Whether it is elation or vexation,
Emit it all out,
Through the words,that flows,
Out of the eyes and stream,
Down the cheek.

Emotions hidden, and compressed,
Do more harm than good to the mind. They only accumulate,
And keep climbing to overtake the place of ethereal reminiscences.

Dissembling to be ecstatic,
Is a short word to danger.
But happiness is health.
Keeping things in mind,
Is Just like gathering unwanted,
Trash in the threshold of your home.

Extirpate all unnecisitie,
From your psyche, and make room,
For salient matters and conceptions to settle in.
Tears are words which the mouth can't express. But after being dissembled, gives peace and alleviation to the wailing mind

© #Andia