

I want to travel back in time
When the days were more simple
When our generation wasn't involved in crime
Or obsessing over every pimple
When scoring high was as easy
As reading all the books
And when all you'd do about a crush
Was pass them smiley looks
When everyone around would care
If we fell down in breaks
When we would not stop to swear
At everyone's mistakes
When no one cared
About the size of jeans you own
Or what you do at home for fun
Or the model of your phone
When school was nice
And we'd have fun
And if we didn't like it
To our mothers we'd run
When all our minds were innocent
And makeup wasn't a thing
When humpty dumpy and jack and jill
Were the only songs we'd sing
This is our generation
Our seeds have been sown
But looking back at those times
Oh how we've grown