

Sexy Moments
Following the sensation of her adorable long lasting scent. Breathing the fragrance like a mist, deciding, what level of obsession it shall purposefully invent. Nevertheless, continue to follow the fragrance of her scented oils. Exhaling now I am caught. Within her web of intrigue, too much than I shall drift downward on my knees. While there praising the sunrise. Blowing kisses near her , and believe they will land upon her eyes. Then hopefully she will see me, as her suitor who is destined to be. The inticing apple, removed from the forbidden tree. Don't be alarm, my thoughts and words has an imaginary pull. Because the Sagittarius bow and arrow is aimed at you. The hope is to capture, the mood is elastic, to shape around your intimate feelings, every now and again. I will send a bouquet of roses with my love that shall keep you warm.When I raise my elbows, take a chance and enter inside my arms. Sexy moments.
© Daniel Mason