

First Love
I'm here holding out my hand until you turn around to see me, your eyes were always ahead trying survey the path making sure every step placed was practiced before me, too focused to see that your hand has slipped from mine.

My eyes were always directed by you when they weren't on your back ready reach out to hold you up,but you never needed me the way I always seemed to need you.

Time grants only brief moments to do or say what needs to be said, you with all your knowledge and I frozen in fear could not understand in those days we were given only those small gifts where we could have been better at honesty.

Believing our lies saved each other we set aside our hearts in hopes we could beat them, mocking us they had their ways in ways we could not know.

So turn around now and understand that the eyes you wept in front of closed forever on a day so long ago my mind can not clearly see it
Those eyes longed for and loved you spent in days filled with small joys spent at your side and they saw you off as always watching your back as you left me.

Understand who it is you miss is gone, I am but her memory.

You will always be who taught me what it meant to want love and were the reason my heart survived the hate that tried to choke it's existence, it was you in my head that lead me through the snares and gate long after you passed through to find the home I belong to.

© CM