

Those days..
Without stabbing I feel the pain of stab,
Sometimes it's control my all mood and force me to leave alone ,
because i stay cautious of my words that it won't hurt anyone,
that terrible my mood swings become, I feel those days were worst than any other days of my life ,
Pain run towards stomach to legs to back and return back to the same place again,
Like it's fucking game,
Someday I divert my mind from pain to music,
Someday I cry and pray God to stop this unbearable pain,
Someday I thought I almost die by it because I won't have enough courage to take it anymore,
Someday I say to God why you made females with alot of pain and suffering,
Which we aren't allow to share with anyone else,
Someday I lay on my bed for whole day and won't try to get up until I need a ginger tea and hot water bag,
which gave me some moments of relief from this slow process of death,
Someday I scold by my mother because I choose to keep silent about the pain because I refuse to take a rest,
Its effect mostly on my mental health than on my physical health,
This is the only thing inwhich i felt and see myself as a looser,
And they say (society) we are not strong enough ,
It happens to every female but let me tell you one thing,
If it is happened to every female still you can't take it granted,
It makes us suffer but it also makes us feel stronger than ever before,
it's teach us how to shine after the dark days,
which won't stay last like our bad days of life,
menstrual cycle won't define whole cycle of your life but define you,
made you woman who are not afraid of darkness,
and fully know how to come towards light which only we can make.

© vyanjana