

Lesbian Love is Like a Locomotive
The grand opening of Saphhic Station was long awaited.

Her locomotive, experienced as she was, was thrilled in the experience of trying out the newely completed railway.

The conductor, a grizzled veteran of the railway, was eager to share her expertise and wisdom on the long awaited tour.

She gently moved herself in-between, sliding her strong pairs of wheels against the shiny track. The two clicked in place instantly.

As she slowly began to take off from the station, she could feel the burning eagerness in the tracks below which burned in the heat of longing.

The tall tracks patiently awaited for her engine in anticipation. Her locomotive began slow, getting a feel of the tracks that laid in submission for her.

The two let out a first roar of friction. Her train began to chug against the tracks, grinding her wheels tightly on her smooth and hot steel, as to not lose her grip.

The path trembled underneath her, feeling the heat and persistence of her ride. She was laid out just for this journy. The train slowly steamed away in satisfaction, as it finally gained momentum on the barely inaugurated set of tracks.

Her train passionately rode the rails into the cloudy night, making note of every little detail. Each squeel, each curve, every bump, and every slow down felt as smooth as oil.

Both of them were now engulfed in a storm. The tracks became slippery, but the conductor knew just the way to keep her still. Her wetness made the ride silky, and the hot wheels soon began to boil through the slickness. The tracks could feel the train begin to melt with her.

She made sure her tracks stayed nice and slick for her train, who whistled louder and louder. The two knew they would be arriving soon, they couldn't wait.

Her locomotive had no intention in slowing down. She took each bend and hill with eager velocity, grinding into the wet tracks relentlessly. The tracks squealed along side her. They tried desperately to stay together.

The train roared louder than the track's metal whined. The tracks pushed against the trains ever dominant weight of wet velocity. They finally came into Heaven's station at a screeching stop, dripping in melted steel and lubricant.

They rested peacefully at the station, cooling off in the crisp night air. The tracks would write the locomotive down as her first in the history books, and the train was honored to be the first.

The train disengaged from the tired tracks, and she kissed her step-daughter goodnight.

#erotica #lesbian #romance
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