

Our Forever, Now a Memory
The love we shared was something out of a dream, so deep and pure that it felt like destiny. From the moment our eyes met, it was as if the universe had conspired to bring us together. Every moment with you was filled with joy and a sense of completeness I had never known before.

We laughed, we cried, and we built a world where it was just you and me. You were my confidant, my best friend, and my greatest love. Every touch, every glance, every word exchanged felt like magic. We made promises, dreams of a future where we would grow old together, facing the world hand in hand.

But life, with its unpredictable twists, had other plans. It wasn't a sudden event, but a gradual, heartbreaking realization that our time together was slipping away. You grew ill, and despite all the battles we fought, the illness took its toll. The vibrant, lively person I knew began to fade, and I felt helpless watching you slip through my fingers.

Your strength amazed me. Even in the face of such overwhelming odds, you smiled, you reassured me, you held on to the love we shared. We made the most of every moment, cherishing the small things—holding hands, whispering sweet nothings, and reminiscing about the beautiful times we had.

The day you left, a part of me went with you. I sat by your side, holding your hand, and as you took your last breath, I whispered all the love I had for you, hoping you could carry it with you. The world feels emptier now, the colors duller, and the silence, more profound.

Yet, in my heart, you remain. The memories of our love bring both tears and smiles. I cherish the time we had, even though it was cut short. You taught me what it means to truly love and be loved. And while the pain of losing you will never completely fade, the love we shared will always be a beacon in my life, guiding me through the darkest of times.

Your absence is a wound that time will never fully heal, but your memory is a treasure I will hold dear forever. You were my true love, and I will carry you with me, always.
© faintest_pen