

“Message Freely Drawn In The Sand!”
“Here we are today...

Picking up the pieces of eight that the rich-minded has neglected.

Searching in vain for a small taste of happiness...

While we lower our expectations, becoming unprotected.

What has become of the heroes dwelling in all of us?

Even our legends of childhood have become idols of play.

Social media fuels our reasons to hate each other even more and more...

Across the street or many, many miles away.

Whatever happened to the times when life was sooo easy, pure and simple?

Where there was no tablets, cellphones, mp4's or laptops...

The boys had baseball cards and Hot Wheels.

While the girls had Barbie dolls and Easy-Bake ovens.

Almost everyone was happy and appreciated.

Technology placing us all in a stop.”

“A couple of marbles the other day reminded me of yesterday's past.

Neighborhood battles were bravely fought within an imperfect circle drawn in the dirt.

There was no MocoSpace, MySpace, Twitter or Facebook.

Arguments were settled with a quick flick of the fingers.

Life remained between us.

Only a bag of glass was ever took.”

“Those were the good ol' days for many like me.

These will ultimately become the good ol' days for our children.

As for us, well...

Soon enough, we too will be forgotten.

So will all the people, places, things and events we have either done, seen or been.

And like this very piece...

Our graves will be blown by the uncertain winds.

Life and death will be clutched by another's grimy hand.

A shadow will be cast.

While the sun goes to hell.

The moon will be riding high.

From another human being just like me.

Writing his or her own message freely drawn in the sand!”

© 2014, 2023 RyderSound® Originalz!
Ghost👻Files/Archival Poetry / Pandora's Pen / GSPro!®

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