

I feel weak
I always have these words deep down inside
my chest but everytime I try to talk they always seem to get repressed
by either fear
Or rejection
Or to try to keep the peace
But everything within me stands and screams and I plead
To just speak.
To say the things stuck in my mind
but as soon as I go to spit em out something tells me nevermind
They wont get it
Or maybe
Theyre gonna feel like they were judged
But there isnt one person out there that I dont have some type of love for
Were all human.
We all make mistakes
I dont give a fuck if you think I'm real or I'm fake
But I cant do it
I just cant spit it out
I break down
Hit the ground
Swallow my pride
And It comes back around
I'm a ticking time bomb
And I'm bound to explode
Cause every single thing I'm feeling
Builds up in my bones
Its on edge and I can feel my hands start to shake
But nothing ever matters I give in and break.
© bbpeace