

How long has it been since I stepped foot in one,
To relish in the glory of the one and only son?
When the day turns to night and night turns to day.
When we were just water and distracted clay.

How long has it been since hearing the great stories not our light and love?
And seeing the sight of an olive branch holding dove.

How long until the liars are exposed?
How much lamb's blood to color our clothes?
Why is it so hard to obtain a halo
When my mind it wanders into the shadows?

It's been to long since I've seen a cross.
Since praying for the people we lost.
And it's been a long time since my family has been together,
But even apart we together face stormy weather.

How long has it been since you've been in one,
To relish in the glory of the one and only son?
When the day turns to night and night turns to day.
When we were just water and distracted clay.
How long?
© The Wolf of Poetry Forest