

in the mouth
I press my lips upon her soaking lips the ones in between her hips. I gently grip her soft little pink pearl and give my tongue a swirl while my lips gently suction her button
until I feel her eruption soaking my face its so warm and she's screaming moaning and squirming and her pussy juices are squirting all over my chest and neck before her orgasms can stop I stuff her full of throbbing rock hard cock. she comes again clamping squeezing while I got my cock inside I can't get my cock to slide out to hard no doubt too tight and she continues to shout make it hurt I want you to do that thing you dou with your tongue you get my Dick so beyond sensitive I get so touchy that my head I am leaking pre come by now and then you pull it out at a distance and let me come on your face and shoot it into your mouth. I know why you I can't ever be without. I live to eat that pussy out. I live to come in your mouth.
© Rafe S.Bjorklund