

One Ragged Breath
My head pounds
My heart aches
And I never again wish to make that mistake...
My odds are not good-
I know I must say...
But through the grace of God I will stay sober today.

I have watched grass grow around the headstones of friends...
And wondered when- I would join them...
I know if I drink- it will be sooner than later and that's why Dear Lord I ask of this favor...
For the next hour of today take my will to drink away.
Do not let me faulter
Dear Lord... though I am a drunk- I know I can be more... it was then I heard- I love you my child and do not stray from my flock... for when I am your Shepard suffer- you shall not.
I fell to my knees- and with one ragged breath...
Said thank you Dear Lord for I have been blessed.

written by John LaRue
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