Society wants you to do as you are told
Sit there, obey, don't dare break the mold
If its courage you lack then you are mistaken
The cage has been shaken you are awaken
You are aroused to the game that is playing
Hasten to take back power that is yours
They want you powerless on all fours
Don't listen to the lies that they are saying
An enemy is what they are portraying
Their fearmongering weighing down your soul
Ask yourself who's bankroll is swaying control?
This man is my brother no matter which color
To smite him down would be met with dolour
Stay thy hand don't do as they command
Drop your weapon pick up a book & inside look
Read the facts that are not...
Sit there, obey, don't dare break the mold
If its courage you lack then you are mistaken
The cage has been shaken you are awaken
You are aroused to the game that is playing
Hasten to take back power that is yours
They want you powerless on all fours
Don't listen to the lies that they are saying
An enemy is what they are portraying
Their fearmongering weighing down your soul
Ask yourself who's bankroll is swaying control?
This man is my brother no matter which color
To smite him down would be met with dolour
Stay thy hand don't do as they command
Drop your weapon pick up a book & inside look
Read the facts that are not...