

She floats like a dream before she sinks under,Carrying in her folds the dying cries of the soldiers.
#She floats like a dream before she sinks under,
Carrying in her folds the dying cries of the soldiers.
A vessel of sorrow, a vessel of fate,
In the depths of despair, her burden she bears.

Silent waves whisper their mournful laments,
As she glides through the night, a ghostly lament.
Her timbers creak, her hull weighed with sorrow,
The weight of a thousand lives, a heavy tomorrow.

She is a specter, a symbol of war,
With each passing moment, her purpose sinks more.
Yet, she remains steadfast, a guardian of souls,
As she sails through the darkness, fulfilling her role.

In her wake, the echoes of battles long gone,
The tears of the fallen, forever to be drawn.
Their anguished cries carried on the ocean's breeze,
A haunting reminder of what war does seize.

The moonlight dances upon her somber form,
Illuminating the scars of battles still warm.
Her torn sails flutter, a tattered flag of despair,
A testament to the pain that lingers in the air.

Oh, the stories she could tell, if only she could speak,
Of lives lost too soon, of hearts that now weep.
But she remains silent, her secrets kept well,
A sentinel of the fallen, a vessel of farewell.

She floats like a dream before she sinks under,
Carrying in her folds the dying cries of the soldiers.
A tragic beauty, a symbol of our strife,
May we remember their sacrifice, for their precious life.WritcoPoemPrompt28
She floats like a dream,
Before she sinks under,
Carrying in her folds,
The dying cries of the soldiers...