

think of you...
i think of you sometimes
i remember the things you would say
i really wanted for you to stay
i wish if you would still be here
its not the love or jealousy i miss
its the frendship whose loss i can nvr redeem
i keep thinking how you must be doing
would you still be drinking to forget?
is your heart still so weak?
are you still so skinny?
Are your hairs still short?
do you still not laugh alot?
do you ever miss me and our bond?
do you tell people about me?
i know you loved to keep check on people
so do you check on me time to time?
do you wanna come back when its hard?
do you still stop yourself from reaching me?
do you even feel a loss?
i think of you sometimes
and go back in memories
feel your sarcasms and your love
your advises and our boring talks
you made me feel special of all
nd i could never forget you
but thats my call...

© ripper