

WE SUFFER GANJA (Teamwork Poetry)

You see lads and growns hallucinating
Have synesthesia senses are mixed
Improper judgment is them’s
Because everything is blurred

Don’t you think this
Leads to lack of laborer?
There is then development!
These stupor guys;
They rob
They rape
They steal
People feel no peace and security
That’s how we protect small?

Give the community names
Just a bad worth

Invite disease from heart palpitations
Paranoia, like they the only one
Dilated pupils feel violated
People die not sober
Who control their motor control?

They abuse drug
Drug abuse they

Why will anyone fit to drug abuse?
Alcohol bring pleasure?
You’re gonna get mood swings
If it dope give you best mood
Expect to weak
Pain aish! aish! regret
Blame peer pressure not!

Because they there?
You wanna experiment?
Why are hemp made gateway
Gateway! Wrong-way!

You do it for stress
You do it say you depress
Huh! Stop abusing
Ganja are treacherous slayers

Be effective
The postern be nulled
And we stop; make up happy
Live safety!

by A.M.A & H.H.K

@AwaMpr #Teamwork #ganja #drugAbuse #StopAbusingDrugs #development #ganja