

Before you judge someone
If you wrote a poem about a stranger′s childhood,
Would you go and live there?
You might write about friendless mornings
Or wasted potential
Lines about unrequited love or about bullying.
Maybe you'll have to rhyme violence with innocence
Can you create metaphors about visible and invisible scars?
The smell of alcohol and the echoes of screams
Be prepared to write verses about death,
Your story might include first breaths in the war
Or last breaths anywhere in the world
Bear in mind that you might write about the broken
that became worse than their parents
Or about the broken that never met their parents
Are you prepared to live in a poem
of those that came out of nothing and became nothing

We design societies about fairness and balance
But we seem to forget that our adulthood
Is affecting someone else′s childhood
We walk this earth convinced this game will never be fair
even though we never try to fix it
But between the horror and the tenderness,
there are a few people that were dealt a bad hand
and managed to change the narrative.
The people that refused to become bitter
when everyone expected them to.
They understood that each step they took
was mocking their misfortune.
The brave souls that created something out of nothing
We are in this together but each one of us is playing a very different game
Some people carry heavy shadows
with bodies and souls inked by horror stories
Some people play against greater odds than you and win
These people when they smile,
the universe smiles with them.
Before you judge someone
Think about that

© ceazar