

Love is a gift, a precious thing,
A feeling that makes your heart sing.
It's a joy, it's a light, it's a flame,
That burns within, it's not a game.
It's a feeling that lasts, it's a bond,
A connection that's never beyond.
It's a force, it's a need, it's a want,
A desire that's never a haunt.
upLove is a feeling, a passion true,
It's a treasure that's only for you.

Love is a journey, a path unknown,
A road that's filled with twists and turns.
It's a challenge, it's a quest, it's a maze,
That takes you through both joy and haze.
But through the twists and turns, the joy and pain,
The love you feel will never wane.
It's a feeling that's pure, it's a flame,
That lights your way, a heart's refrain.
So love is a journey, a path to take,
A quest that never will forsake.

Love is a puzzle, a riddle, a maze,
That takes you on a winding phrase.
The pieces fit, they come together,
But sometimes they're full of stormy weather.
It's a mystery, a conundrum, a quest,
That's always worth your very best.
The pieces come together, the pieces fit,
It's like a puzzle that you can't resist.

Love is a beautiful sight, it's a wonderous thing,
Love is a puzzle, love is the king.

© M_Jay Writes🖋️🖋️