

I remember as though it was just yesterday , when I found out I was pregnant with you
your dad and I were so excited and couldn't wait to meet you.
We were so nervous and not really prepared
But when you came to us we were no longer scared.
This precious little angel that your dad and I had created
was finally in our arms and so long we have awaited.
Now growing up I know wasn't so easy for you
we had a rough life but we pulled through
your dad and I had put you through so much
to where you went to live with your uncle
but we always kept in touch
I'm sorry for not giving you everything in your life I should of
and for not being there for you to show you my love.
Now your a grown man no longer a little boy
and I blame my self for all your anger and pain
and your life destroyed.
And all your addictions you have I blame myself for those as well
I just want to tell you I'm so very sorry for putting you through hell
I'm here now and doing the best I can now
to be there for you and to be a good mom and fix this
I hope it's not to late for you to accept my apology
for all the pain I've caused you and anger you have towards me.
you'll always be my little boy and I love you so much
please forgive me.

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