

What I if am dying slowly and everybody know about it despite me
What if my dreams slowly eat me from inside and I don't know about it
The dreams which I loved even more than my life is only the cause of all my misery
What if my every step toward my dreams is an illusion
What if my brain is playing games with me and only giving false hope to me
Every ring on my phone & every knock on my door gave me the false hope that it will help me to reach my destination
What if the word of the people is true that all of my dreams are mere misconception
What if those words settled down in my mind and I died before my death time
I cry out and scream to stop as my ears are now bleeding due to their harsh words
But they turned deaf toward me & continually blabbing the same things
I stopped and take a deep breath and pretend to be dead
But even this did not stop them they even tried to kill the death again and again
After thinking I turned myself away from all living creatures
I understand that I don't owe any explanation to anyone
It gave me some relief now but the nightmare never left me all alone
Those words are so harsh even now they tried to create a huddle before me
But now I understand that the dead person did not feel any pain and slowly accomplishing my dream
What I if am dying slowly and everybody know about it despite me
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