

It's Time to Make a Choice
In love's embrace, I vowed to wait,
For you, my heart, I'd hesitate.
But time has passed, like sand, it slips,
An insatiable urge, my soul it grips.

I cherish you, I hold you dear,
But the waiting, it feeds a fear.
It feels as though you're drifting away,
And the dawn of a new, uncertain day.

Though I pledged to wait through thick and thin,
This ache within, it wears fragile skin.
A silent cry, it whispers goodbye,
For love, it mustn't stagnate, nor deny.

In this delicate dance, we find our way,
Either together or parting, come what may.
The clock's hands move, the moments fly,
It's time to decide, say hello or say goodbye.
© Nox ♡