

Rescue Me
Everything's in slow motion.

I'm lost in stillness,
Where time blurs and bends, 
Never knowing where it ends and begins,
Entangled in a sea of emotions,
Despite my devotions. 

I struggle to discern 
My thoughts from the chaos,
My heart caught in the wreckage
Of a war deep within. 

I dread that this storm 
May never relent,
I fear I may fade away,
Into the darkest shadows,
In deeper descent...
Yet, I know I must persevere.

I know Your promises God,
What You declare; 
I am loved,
I am cherished, 
I am redeemed,
Highly favored...

I know You,
Though my soul is cast down, 
And my heart grows heavy..

My soul wars within me,
Fighting life and death,
Darkness and light, 
Lies against reality,
In all of its fragility.

I'm so weary,
Remaining hope dwindling.

I fear I may drown, 
I struggle to breathe, 
My lungs aching for air...
Please ease this 
Suffocating weight.

Wave after wave, 
Consumed by this darkness.. 
Please quiet this storm. 
Let me tread upon these waters,
And not succumb. 

Rescue me,
Let me breathe anew 
© WhisperingMelodies