

If I Were a Season
People are like seasons
they change with or without reasons
sometimes they are warm,sometimes they are cold
some are like fallen leaves, some are like sprouting seeds

If I were a summer
you have me as your sun forever
I'll be your light in every darkest days
I'll be your sunshine that caress your heart with warm embrace

If I were a winter
I'll freeze your tears and pain
so that you can never feel it again
so that when the heat strikes again
those snows of heartaches will melt away

If I were a spring
I'll let you bloom on your own
I'll let you grow tall and strong
I'll be your shade in every stroking flames
I'll let you sprout and fight your way
I'll let you peek the new brightly day

If I were a fall
If you want to let go, I'll release you freely
If you want to chase the wind
I'll never hold on to you tightly
Cause true love means setting you free
If it makes your heart happy
But I wish autumn is not your favorite season.
© Iaey
