

Been stuck here for ages,
when shall I ever give out?
Seems like deep bruise
or maybe a scar that adds.
All day long;
I give credits to shallowness of
my bosom,
a hole dug right extensively;
No love neither mercy nor rest
Floundering helplessly while
Stertuous respiration dwells
constantly close to the marsh,
deserted by my only friend.
Anxious at most to the highest level
has taken charge wholesomely.
Destitude reigns
as alike,'The Reign of Terror';
Where the victim at present
lays unconsciousness;
Weary of thirst and hunger throughout the era..

Oh!That agony
that devasting soar!
Oozing through the fore!
Oh!That demolishing sight;
Seizing, splitting and yanking out flesh.
Trembling fear
Restlessness is maximum
Loneliness and despair as companions
Is this the endeavour of my life?

Disaster and chaos are my at most notions
Excruciatingly sleepless nights
with zombie,popped-up eyeballs
is the figure of the unknown
Come out agonizing mischievers!
Darken out annexatures!
Alas!The afflicting lot,
a melancholy as a reward of prejudice
A payback from vexed opponents
I doubtedly recall any times.
Nevertheless what I remember at the last days before the dawn of demise
is long gone
© VioletBloom