

dark life
dark life
thousand hikes
and bounty of desire
under the deep
thier is a dark shadow
whose name is life
it accompany like a
fire in air
it breathe toxic thoughts
with inhuman desire
dark life as big
as fight with mountain
as small as
smile in face
with some hikes and likes
some hate and some hater
some people with perfect
some one in the corner
looking to think
as he stepped
to think he can't
go ahead
with getting headache
because of life
dark life
dark in color
dark in shadow
dark in smile
and dark in vibes
dark is a life
with dark in sight
dark with vision
dark is vast
so clear and vast
dark life
pain in heart
looking to clever
but can't be ever
dark is dream
just scared
and did not let
you to muster the courage
to see any dream
which is full of cream
as sweet as honey
and full of schemes
dark is mind
who think without mind
he who think
what other think
what will they will think
dark is color
who sees negative in postive
dark is a face
who hide his true and trust
of any race
dark is moment
he who show wrongness
in longing to live
dark is thought
which think greedy
and lusty
to conquer his need
and dark is life
dark is smile
dark is heart
dark is life
he who fear from fall
and always strive for height
life meant for life
and it is upto anything
upto nothing
that is right
that is wrong
life is life
which is life
don't expect and except
and expert is one who face
whatever comes
race it

© alone life