

it's been awhile
It's been a while since the tree of love I was watering turned into a pile of ashes, but if you allow me to re-enter your heart, I will come and rekindle our old love but if not then I'll collect the pile,I want to protect it from the storm of your love for her..

It's been a while since your smile sparked a spark of euphoria in my soul ,since your skin tasted honey on my lips Darling it's been a while since we gave up on each other ..

So I want to ask you something...

Do you still have love for me in your heart or has it become her new home where I'm not even allowed to roam ?

Does your heart yearn for our eye contacts or has it found something better than me in her eyes ?

Does your body get nervous whenever she is around or was it only me who could give you butterflies ?

Will i ever get over you Or will I live in the abyss of regression that I shouldn't have looked at you when we first met ,
I should have realized earlier that this was just the beginning of our story that was never going to have a happy ending,where i was just a supporting character who instilled feelings of love in your heart for the main character ...
It's been a while since I smiled for no reason 

'Cause Darling

it's been a while since I left your region.


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