

Superficial Love
I was reminded of that day,
When I walked away from that parking lot,
As I painted my face with that fake smile,
I turned around and carried my bleeding heart.

I vowed to never let people deceived me again,
I told myself that if love is a game,
I should win it by not showing pain,
And telling the world that I am always okay.

It wasn't the first time someone betrayed me,
Though I know the feeling,
It still killed me,
And it wasn't that easy.

I never begged for forgiveness,
I only asked for the reason why you did it,
But to my horror,
You even denied your actions.

I wasn't expecting more from you,
Than just to be honest and true,
How come you couldn't answer me?
Am I that unworthy?

Turned out it was my fault,
For not giving you the attention you seek,
For not supporting your needs,
And disregarding your childish requests.

You could've told me sooner,
So I could've adjusted my anchor,
To catch up with your turmoil,
We could've saved ourselves from that excruciating disaster.

But damage has been done,
Another hole was created inside me,
I lost another piece of myself,
Creating another monster that no one could get.

Now, I am living just like this,
Pretending not to care,
Showing less emotions,
Don't blame me, you caused it.

Don't ask me for being inconsiderate,
There is no wonder in my becoming,
I am made of stone and hard decisions,
And I already caged my heart so no one can touch it with superficial love.

© silvervierre