

Harbinger of our Doom

Harbinger of our doom,
Hurtling through space,
The asteroid is here too soon,
Warn the human race,
Explosive atmospheric fumes,
Host a lighter ban just in case,
Somehow we overly consume,
Igniting our planetary space,
Or suffocate ourselves by noon,
Everyone cover your face,
Avoid the people around you,
Just vanish without a trace,
Let's all escape to the moon,
Have all our memories erased,
Earth will soon be a tomb,
Resistance is only a waste,
Here's a new identity to assume,
Mark us for safty, disaster awaits,
Beware of the spiritual boon,
Reap rewards by denial of grace,
Who knew the harbinger of doom,
Dwelt within our tiny headspace,
Or we'd become hopeless baffones,
Oh how sweet our pride taste,
To forfeit a mansion of many rooms,
Taking pain in harmonies place,
Evil asteroid coming to soon,
Protection is simply faith based,
Harbinger of our doom,