

Dear John
We used to talk for hours,
Love used to be so sweet.
You used to be so kind.

You used to say I was pretty, and couldn't believe I was real.
You used to call me a unicorn and talk about how different things in life made you feel.

Dear John,
I won't be coming back, everytime I see you you tell me what I lack.
There is no encouragement, no comments ,no conversation anymore at all.
I would have better luck speaking to the wall.
I don't do anything right, and for all I put in to keeping us alive, it really doesn't matter because your dead inside.
I did my best but I need to rest. Not that it matters now butt more is the new less when it comes to you I just couldn't pass the test.
never good enough, just couldn't make the cut, so John dear I'm out of here there's just no love at all.

Don't bother to respond I already know what you will.say and I already know it would be wrong.
Goodbye to you I love you I do.
I just can't be unurtured and uncared for I'm like a wilting dying plant. Neglected for so long no emotions, no conversation, no touching nothing at all ......
we could have been so beautiful together this is no ordinary love.
At last I can't make you leave your past so Dear John goodbye I don't want to cry but the tears are already talking from my eyes ,I don't want to go at all.
© uniquely.peculiar.divine.soul