

I’m Scared
I’m scared.
I don’t want to be scared anymore.
Please talk to me.
Please let me hear a softness in your voice again.
Please promise me everything will be okay for us.
Hell, if it were just okay for you I’d be content.
Please don’t think you’re something I know you not to be.
These nights weigh on me, break me down as if I’m as fragile as neglected porcelain.
Seeing you worry and hurt and worry more pins me down to the floor.
You know not the power you hold on nights like this.
Because I’m scared.
Years of pretending drag upon me in my gentle state.
I guess I’m afraid of being or at least seeming strong, because it can’t fix this.
Every other worry is superseded now.
My fears for the future have changed to include you.
My fear for the now seems to being walking up the steps to my mind.
I want to be there for you but it feels like walls are closing in.
Please talk to me.
Please just hold me and promise me everything will be okay.
I need to know that you will be okay.
I care about nothing else in this moment because nothing else can possibly matter more.
But I’m scared.
I just miss you is all.
Maybe I’m unhealthy.
Maybe I care too much.
Maybe I’m clingy.
Forgive me, I’m just scared is all.