

Lo-Batany: Attack
Canonically layered

I stand firm like sequoia
Mean & green
My nature springs clean like the heavens

No trimmer than the next
Just brighter than the nexus

This here Asteracea-e does complete...
What is seeded
Even in the face of hand's pick to...

—Decimate what is needed

Besprinkled amongst the many gardens I plant
There in lies a slight chance for ivy to retract

Perhaps a thistle to prick the lands of sealing
The man who goes rotten so that pollution...
Can ensue her demise for division

Oh violent screams dew force the notions for
My bare vines to cream scenes from the
Darkest parts of my root's unravel-ing...


Unfix the truce from the chambers of each  Neo-nixing layer to establish a...

And graciously divide the gravel from each Bundle you held since day 1 of a NEGATIVE...

No more subverting what I've been nurturing
Uncured vibes has lost his damn mind...


© Ta'Hill Scribble