

✨ Up until now I've been sure of everything in my life,then comes you, a one hit wonder. I love figuring you out, but sometimes my conclusions make me tremble.
✨ You being the first person I open up to,undebatably makes you special. I'm all about focus,hardwok,rules,goals and inspirations,which is a little bit scary,but glad I have you to tell me a little fun is harmless.
✨ Every single touch increases my pulse rate,leavine to hear my heart beat out of my chest. The goosebumps from my shivering seals my feelings,it looks so fake yet feels so real.
✨ I'm scared I've fallen too deep to swim out,why else would I always imgine how it would be if you were next to me. How we never say much but the meeting of our eyes tells us a detailed story.
✨ When you look into my eyes,I see longing,desire and passion, I never see promises,trust nor commitment. Could this be LUST?
You are the first person I've loved,I'm hoping you're not the last.
© @Tamara N