

Monsters At Night
In the middle of the night, the monsters inside me fight. My mind not at ease till daylight. Is this what they call "it serves you right?".

Regrets fills up my mind, darkness surrounds my sight. Why can't I do anything right? I am already losing my will to fight. These monsters are tearing me up inside.

When will I see the light that will fill up my soul to fight? There's always war at night. I'm getting tired of this fight. Is there really hope in this life?

I feel so worthless and powerless. I'm so tired trying to pull myself up inside this darkness. Fighting these monsters at night, it irritates me how weak I am in their sight.

When will be the day that I will conquer these monsters at night? I'm already wavering in this long fight. There's still some questions that lingers in my mind.

When will be the day, that I will not cry till daylight? When will be the day, that I will regain my might to fight these monsters at night? I'm still not strong enough to pull myself up. When will be the day that I will just look back and laugh it all up?

© SupangWritings
Nov 5, 2022