

Little Seed
Little seed, little seed; why won't you grow?
I placed you here so, so long ago.
Atop the surface of this hardened concrete.
Routinely I've watered you and frankly I'm beat.
A weeks worth of soda, kool aid and iced tea.
Heck!, I've even given you beer and liquor almost regularly.
And for all of my efforts what do I get?
A root, a stem, a leaf... not a bit!
In fact, you're just the same ole seed I started out with.
Only now you're discolored, sticky and wet, and if I had to guess a little sickly I bet.
As for all of the liquids I fed you in vain.
They've done little more than attract unwanted pest... Oh what ah pain!

Right then an there I vowed I must know.
The secret to seeds and making them grow.
I found me a farmer and to my delight.
He agreed to find out the cause of my plight.
Approaching my little seed he took one good look.
He let out a sigh as his head slowly shook.
Then he shot me a glance of utter disdain.
And before I could speak began to explain.
"What did you expect from your little seed?"
You'll never get growth without the meeting of needs.
Reaching down he scooped little seed up.
And swiftly commanded I go get a jug and head to the tap and at once fill it up.
I did as he asked and my heart turned so cold.
He was dropping my little seed down in a dirt hole.
Noticing my anguish he motioned me over.
And said with a smile "Now cover it over?"
I buried little seed beneath the earth's surface.
Then drenched it in water and said "what is the purpose?"
"I'm glad you asked." he said with a wink.
"I know it seems harsh but it's not what you think."
"Our surroundings determine our growth."
"Little seed had needs not met, but now you've met both."