

I'm miffed by this myth:
"Pornography's a normal thing to watch whether you're single or married, you know."

I guess everything else can wait.
Infidelity comes first with your insatiable thirst,
after spending so many nights alone.

You children become a burden,
and your partner is the worst.
Abortion isn't, however,
although your reputation is the worst.

Divorce papers are your holy scriptures,
and apologies for the open wounds in the innocent
are what you'll never say for a lifetime.

The intoxicating things become your best friends,
and violence becomes your best solution.
Maybe more will die in your hands
before you sit in prison.

Just saying in case you never turn over a new leaf before your impending fall, you know.

Call me precocious,
but I call my relationships precious.
May I be miffed by this myth for life.